Today’s Catalog—its Origin
Okay, so here’s why this Site’s Sub-Website known as Today’s Catalog was created: Recently, I came to realize I’m destined to continue with an unbridled decline in my health and fitness unless I find a way to regularly experience physical exertion that will not result in an untimely demise. My failing health has left me unable to walk more than a few yards unassisted; thereby creating a vast trek to the Dinner Table!
My Fix: I purchased a genuine electric Trike with pedals and everything. The pedaling can be assisted with an “electric boost” when needed, they call it “Pedal Assist” in “up-town” speak. Not only is it a “joy ride” my stamina seems to be on the mend!
In-any-event, perhaps, for the lack if better judgement, I concluded Affiliate Marketing would be a reasonable way for me to share my new “fun time” motivator with lots of other folks like me and promote fun products for the younger folk in the mix.
And yep, you can be sure each of the Affiliate’s I’ve selected just happened to agree to pay me a smidget of a commission from their profits each time someone purchases something from their website—by way of this Website. However, I hereby humbly commit to dedicating all such funds to my troubling eating addiction!
Finally, as a huge sweetener, I’ve thrown in dozens of Free Fantastic Tunes you’ll surely enjoy, and I’ve added “one click” access to a number of FakeNews Reports -— all lies of course — but the Reports are free! And also free, look for Actual News, the FYI Files, an occasional Op-ed by guest writers and less than a half-dozen Pictorial Embellishments just for your amusement, each located near the bottom of the Home Page!
Can You Imagine That