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My name’s TG, and I’ve convinced this site’s “Top Dog” to let me compose & edit the posts for this website
; several of which are excerpts from the two books referenced below 🙂
Don’t laugh yet, my only compensation will be to place “image-links” (like the ones located below↓⇓↓) for you to ‘Click-On’ so’s you’ll be “beamed over” to Amazon.com’s Book Store to purchase my revised (7-2024) publications: “The FakeNews Connection” or the Revised publication of the first volume of “Verbal Snapshots for the Upscale Privy…”.
Sooo, assuming I get the job (and you know I will), before ruling out a purchase, keep in mind, the entire site was built with hopes that while lookin’ about, you’d buy at least one copy of “The FakeNews Collection” or in the alternative, a copy of “Verbal Snapshots for the Upscale Privy”!
Believe me, you’ll love, love, love both publications
Sorry, your choice is limited to: “The FakeNews Collection…” or “Verbal SnapShots for the Upscale Privy…” however, both are available in Hardback, Paperback or in e-Book Format!
Perhaps your preference is embellished Alternative Facts! If so, “The FakeNews Collection” is sure to please:
Alternatively, perhaps You Prefer Unusual but ‘Actual Facts’, then, “Verbal Snapshots for the Upscale Privy” is a better fit
“A Spark of Good” is a sister Company to Today’s Catalog; the “Sparks” product line is far from ordinary 🙂 🙂 🙂
Click the Image-Link below to have a Look-see:
Maybe Short Pictorial Embellishments with Condensed Text Support is Your Style
as reported by TG Fuqua, a FakeNews Correspondent
& yep, they’re totally free!

Who really killed Johnny Ringo?

Outlaw Johnny Ringo at 20; 1871 Jannie Ringo (Johnny’s kid sister) at 26; 1882
The previously unsolved demise of Johnny Ringo (a FakeNews pictorial exclusive)
Investigative reporting reveals it was Jannie who shot Johnny dead outside Tombstone on July 14, 1882 — not Dock Holliday as is often claimed!
In-depth FakeNews research disclosed Jannie was still upset with Johnnie for scolding her, at the tender age of 13, and kicking her 7-month-old puppy as he left his mother and three siblings behind in San Jose, CA back in 1869.
As for the puppy, yep, it died a painful death 3 days after Johnny departed 🙁
Sooo, she shot him dead while he was reclining against a huge Sycamore tree less than a mile outside Tombstone!
Regretfully, his horse, securely tied to a nearby sapling, most likely died of thirst before Ringo’s lifeless body was discovered days after he “went missing”.
Can You Imagine That
A FakeNews Pictorial Account of Lincoln’s Assassination; the Aftermath

The Andrew Johnson administration insisted John Wilkes Booth was tracked down and killed inside a blazing Virginia barn that belonged to Richard Garrett 12 days after Lincoln’s assassination.
Yet a Booth co-conspirator, David Herold, captured at the scene, said it was James William Boyd, who was shot and killed; Boyd was a Confederate military officer, born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky who mysteriously went missing after the alleged killing of “Booth”.
Interestingly, the US War Department did not pay anyone the “Posted” $100,000.00 reward nor any part thereof, for the assassin’s capture and demise.
After the Garrett barn fiasco, Booth’s expectant lover, Miss Kate M Scott, (Civil War nurse, newspaper editor, author & social reformer), who was reportedly holding several important papers for Booth, said he came to get the papers 6 months after his alleged killing.
Then nothing, until thirty-eight years later, a newspaper account of David E. George’s death was reported in the “Enid Daily Wave”, on January 13th, 1903 (Enid is the ninth-largest city in the state of Oklahoma):
“A man who claimed to have been John Wilkes Booth, infamous assassin of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, died here today. The man, David E. George, made the deathbed confession saying that he wanted to unburden his soul of guilt and clear the name of Mary Surratt, hanged for conspiracy in the assassination of the President”.
Because Booth aka “David E George” bequeathed $15,000.00 to Miss Kate Scott via his Will. A special investigation, strongly promoted by then President Theodore Roosevelt, (26th U.S. President, 1901-1905) resulted in Kate receiving her inheritance.
Evidence, Booth did not die at the Garrett farm, but in faraway Enid, Oklahoma.
Can You Imagine That
A FakeNews Pictorial account regarding the 21st US President’s place of birth

Charles Chester Alan Arthur became the 21st US President (aka, Chester A Arthur) following the assassination of newly elected President James A Garfield in September of 1881.
Even though records show ‘Alan’ was born in Dunham Flats, Canada, during March of 1828 while his mother was visiting her parents! Yes, his mother was a US Citizen but in those days a child born outside the US was granted US Citizenship only if the father was a US Citizen - he was not - he was Irish born!
Charles ‘Abell’ Arthur, Alan’s younger brother, was born more than a year after him in the community of Northfield, Vermont. Woefully, ‘Abell’ perished in the nearby community of Burlington, Vermont nearly three months after his birth of perhaps the first documented case of “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS), aka: “crib-death”.
Historical records show that in 1845 when Chester ‘Alan’ Arthur entered Union College he claimed to be 16 years of age and as being born on October 5, 1829, in Northfield, Vermont. “Coincidentally” the same date and place as his deceased younger brother ‘Abell’.
You see, Canada was still a British Colony in March of 1828-Charles Chester Alan Arthur’s actual date of Birth!
Sooo, Charles Chester ‘Alan’ Arthur, the 21st US President, was a British Citizen!
Can You Imagine That
The Golden Age of Ancient Greece is The Donald’s Goal for the USA 🙂
A FakeNews Exposé—what was it really like:

’Twas a time when no labor was required and the weather was always agreeable.
It was a time of pleasant surroundings; abundance was the norm and people occupied all their time in satisfying pursuits.
It’s even said that originally, throughout the Golden Age, birds and four-footed beasts could talk with a human voice, though with a slight southern drawl and a tendency to talk out-of-turn.
Humans, critters and demons lived together with the gods in peace.
Surprisingly, demons of this age were good. In fact, they helped folks and beasts alike from time-to-time.
All were ruled by King Kronos, who governed the entire cosmos throughout the Golden Age.
You may recall that Kronos married his sister Rhea and sired the first generation of the Olympian gods: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.
Can You Imagine That
A FakeNews Pictorial Account of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election Results
An extended special report by Sir TG Fuqua

During most of 2024’s Presidential Election all eyes were on 7 “swing” states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Trump is believed to have swept all 7 Swing States in 2024’s Election, even though the Final New York Times/Siena poll (and several other prominent polls) prior to election day projected a very different outcome! And too, with only hours before poll closures in Pennsylvania on Election Day, then former President Donald Trump said on his social media platform that there was “talk about massive cheating in Philadelphia”. Though, as is typical of “the Donald”, he nor his political advisors would provide evidence of such and further, no mention of which side was doing the cheating was made. (Perhaps, just perhaps, ‘the Donald’ assumed the Dem’s were cheating because he knew he was!)
Keep in mind that most political polls for the 2024 presidential election saw a close race in the electoral college, and a resounding popular-vote victory for Democrat Kamala Harris. Yet, Trump apparently won the electoral college 312 to 226, and the popular vote by more than three million votes.
The final New York Times/Siena poll in Pennsylvania showed the state as a tie (48%-48%) in its final poll before the election.
Arizona: The final Times/Siena poll showed Trump leading 49%-45%
Georgia: Harris was ahead 48%-47% in the Times/Siena poll.
North Carolina: Harris was ahead 48%-46% in the Times/Siena poll.
Michigan: They were tied at 47% in the New York Times/Siena poll.
Wisconsin: Harris was ahead 49%-47% per the Times/Siena poll.
Nevada: The Times/Siena poll placed Harris ahead 49%-46%.
Even the strongest Trump supporters will agree that throughout 2024’s Presidential campaign, Trump consistently used incendiary rhetoric – making crass jokes and threatening vengeance against his political opponents. A campaign tactic which intensified dramatically during the last week of Trump’s campaign effort. Take note that this news reporter of 25+ years has great difficulty accepting that the mysterious undecided segment of U.S. voters were swayed to favor Trump as a result.
It kind of makes me wonder if the final vote tally was indeed properly counted! An unwanted stray thought that is without doubt a result of such rhetoric by “the Donald” himself during the past four years or so, in-fact right up to the late afternoon of election day!
Alternatively, one must wonder if the President’s personality trait to win at any cost was supported or supplemented by the many political tricks Roger Stone is noted for. Add Elon Mush as an eager financial contributor and suddenly the bitterness directed at the Democratic Administration that spread from the mountains of North Carolina to Georgia, to Pennsylvanians and beyond in early October is explained.
You see, North Carolina was severely impacted by Hurricane Helene during late September of 2024, primarily in the western Appalachian region of the state. Helene’s major impacts – flooding and landslides – made it one of the deadliest US storms of the 21st century, with more than 200 confirmed deaths in North Carolina and Tennessee alone. Though President Bidden declared a Major Disaster and FEMA designated 39 NC counties for federal disaster assistance a large portion of the affected citizenry were falsely informed that FEMA assistance was limited to a one-time token $750.00 relief check because American disaster relief funds had been shifted to emigrant relief! As a result, many angry folks simply refused to bother with FEMA. But they did share the perceived though unfounded “hardship” with their family and friends in faraway places.
Another fabrication that was never completely squelched, involved Trump’s baseless claim about Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets in Springfield Ohio. He angrily voiced the ridiculous claim during the Presidential Debate with VP-Harris. Yes, most of us recognized the folly in his accusation however, others did not. And who do you suppose was at fault? Yep, President Biden and VP-Harris by extension. Some folks wondered why a portion of that stolen FEMA Relief money wasn’t used to provide proper food for the “illegal Haitian’s”!

Yet another wild story claims the Assassination attempt of Trump in Pennsylvanian was actually staged by Roger Stone — including the raised fist and fake “stage” blood; but the story notes that the waving American flag was intended to be directly over Trump’s head.
The intent was an effort to draw sympathy for Trump while another story line claims shrapnel from the gunshot has somehow infected his inner ear and will require life threatening microsurgery in the months ahead.
Can You Imagine That
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