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and welcome to Today’s Catalog and the Department of


In a collaborative effort with Amazon.com and others we’ve determined what 88.3% of us are in search of Gadgets.  That’s small mechanical or electronic devices or tools we know we’ve always needed when we see ‘em.

Sooo, just as you’d expect we’ve found some of the best ones to be had and maybe one that’s yet to be made.

FYI: This Site section is under Construction, please overlook the mess 🙁

So as to start off in just the right way, let’s have a look-see at a few of the Gadgets you actually need! 🙂 🙂 🙂 

First, you may want to buy yourself a Heated Vest, especially if it’s still cold outside!

There’re dozens of styles to choose from and you can start via the image link to your right. It is after-all kind-of an individual’s purchase preference . . .

Sooo, when choosing your too ‘cool’ Heated Vest, keep in mind that contrary to urban legend, the head is not the body’s greatest source of heat loss when or if you are freezing! 

To the contrary, as is shown by the thermal images displayed on the right, the Chest is much more susceptible to heat loss than other parts of the body 🙂 🙂

Yep, that’s what my Moma told me too, but science has proven her wrong this one time. 🙁 — Wasn’t her fault — on-a-count-a that’s what the US Army told for years.

While you’re just standing around, doing nothing, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll see a few tree branches that need trimming.

The best “fix” ever is a lightweight little battery powered Chainsaw; it’s almost small enough to fit in the Auto’s glovebox.  →  →   

FYI Note: Customers find it useful to spray the chain with WD40 for lubrication and or place 3-in-1 oil in provided reservoir.


Have you seen this ad lately—yeah, I added the —  ‘?’

If it’s true, then it’s a fantastic gadget!

Click the Info Button located below & right, for the Actual FACTS

Already learned what’s hidden behind the Info ButtonGreat, then you’ll know for sure which Over-the-air TV Antenna displayed below will best suit your needs: 


Mohu Leaf 50 | Best for suburbs

Price: $40.49 (as of 12-19-2024) Includes shipping & 9% sales tax

Range: 60 miles   4K-ready (Ultra HD TV)              

Sold via e-Bay

Mohu Leaf 50 | Best for suburbs

Price: $59.99 + Sales tax (as of 12-19-2024)

Range: 60 ‘Air’ miles    4K-ready (Ultra HD TV)

← ← Sold via Amazon



GE Ultra Edge | Best for cities |   

Price: $23.22 + Sales Tax (as of 12-19-2024)

Range: 50 miles 4K-ready (Ultra HD TV)

Sold via Amazon

FYI: Antennas like the Mohu Leaf 50 and GE Ultra Edge are capable of receiving the same channels that come in a TV provider’s basic cable TV package—but both are absent DVR capabilities. Sooo, pause / rewind / and fast-forward to skip commercials are gone when OTA TV is the signal source 🙁 🙁 🙁   and, if you happen to be a CNN, HBO or ESPN addict, you will not receive pay-tv stations via an Over-the-air TV antenna, ever. We’ve all seen OTA antenna promotions claiming this as a possibility, but it is 100% false. You will not receive ESPN, CNN, HBO or any other such channel with an OTA TV antenna!



Most any guy could be handy about the Kitchen now-an-then with a Stainless-Steel Circular Saw Pizza Wheel ↓


Some  Gadgets (like the ones down there) have been around so long, folks wonder if they even qualify, still either are perfect for: Keeping warm in the cold, Bad hair days, Skiing in the Alps, Snow Sledding, Viewing winter sports events, 1800s era Bank & Stagecoach holdups, et cedra, et cedra, et cedra | Crafted from soft, lightweight, windproof, warm, anti-static acrylic fiber (not Polyester) | More than 2 dozen color options | Base price before Sales Taxes & a minimal Shipping fee: $3.99 each | and if you’re Anti-Polyester, this Amazon site has you covered!

So, yeah, they’re Gadgets, even the scary ones 🙂 🙂

Similar Product available in e-Bay store front | Material described as Acrylic, Fleece & Polyester | ships Free from California | Fewer color selections | was priced pennies less than the Amazon store front as of 12-22-20 →   →

To Shop an e-Bay store front, Click Image-Link over there →


IoDoo’s rechargeable Solar Work Light with Folding Stand can produce 8,000 Lumen (A single 100-watt incandescent light bulb produces about 1600 lumens) and this useful gadget comes with a handy Carrying Bag. 


And who can be without Unicumoo’s really bright Rechargeable Flashlight with 160,000 super bright Lumens!

And how far will 160,000 lumens shine?  —   Beyond 1,650 feet—but that’s more than 4 football fields!

FYI: The rechargeable battery loads from the bottom of the Flashlight. Sooo, take care to load the battery’s “button” end first — otherwise it will not charge.  Took me 10 minutes to figure that out as button is not prominent 🙂 

As for the “brightness” hype, I may use the Flashlight as a weapon instead of a night-time pathfinder!  Yeah, it’s that bright 🙂 🙂 🙂


Have wasted space on the outside of your Fridge too?

So where are your spices stored?  

Bet yah I can get more than spices in that Kitchen Gadget, huh!   🙂  And another thing, don’t tell me 2 is all I need — I’ll need at least 4!


Amazon has the last Razor you’ll need— ever! < $85.00 including a 9% Sales Tax where applicable:


100 Henson Refill Blades: < $20.00 (average shaves per blade = 3 shaves at 15 Cents each = 5 Cents per shave; without a Sales Tax calculation) →  → 


Though standard equipment on Starships and Space Stations like Deep Space Nine (a former Cardassian mining and refinery station) of the Star Trek era, effective Universal Language Translators have remained unavailable to the general public—until now!


Now that you know this Gadget exists, how can you do without it?
