
You are among the lucky few to have entered an area formally controlled by “Today’s Catalog”, little more than a lazy lapdog of ‘do Gooder’, Can You Imagine That.

Regardless, relax and enjoy yourself as there are no worries here — the coup d’etat is long past 🙂 🙂

You see, the creator of “A Spark of Good is also the founder of Today’s Catalog both of which remain an independent entity. Though a collaborative effort, the two companies currently avoid duplicate product promotion. However, we’ll soon control it all! 🙂 🙂 🙂

You will likely experience more enjoyment here than you might expect as A Spark of Good tends to lean toward, shall we say, less noted, but remarkable merchandise.

Our Promotional Products include One Hit Wonders of the World of Music, Remarkable Modern-day Cap Pistols & Ammo, plus near identical DENIX brand non-firing Replica Pistols! I promise, you will be amazed!
