A great tasting treat that’s good for ya too?
an Op-Ed by Ms. Jane Parker
Several years ago, an archaeological team from the Middle East found Clay tablet records from ancient Mesopotamia dating back to around 1500 BC that confirms such a commodity was traded regularly along the ancient Silk Road. Today the referenced commodity is known as a dehydrated Apricot Drupe, a highly prized member of the Fruit Family.
Trouble is, there remains a heated debate as to why the fresh picked apricot was so highly coveted during ancient times. Was it for its sweet and juicy Mesocarp which is the thick fleshy eatable treat. Or, was it for the highly toxic “amygdalin” filled core of the Endocarp, commonly known as the pit? Amygdalin, by the way converts to cyanide when ingested by man or beast and can be found within the pits or seeds of of apricots, bitter almonds, peaches, plums, cherries and even apples.
Though not a Drupe, Apple seeds do contain 1–4 milligrams of amygdalin within each seed. However, not all of the amygdalin in apple seeds converts to cyanide when ingested.
Just so you know, the average adult would have to eat 150 to several thousand crushed apple seeds (the wide range is seed size related) to be at risk of cyanide poisoning.
And not all Drupe pits contain amygdalin; the toxin can be found in the kernels of apricots, almonds, peaches, plums, and all varieties of the Cherry. For example a sweet red cherry pit is estimated to have 3.9 mg of amygdalin per gram of fruit. The sweet black cherry has a lower concentration at 2.7 mg per gram of fruit. Yet, the Morello cherry (the sour category) pit harbors an astonishing 65 mg per gram of fruit.
Regardless, today, the dehydrated Apricot is known as a “Drupe” which is a member of the Fruit Family and it not only supplies many health benefits, it tastes fantastic! Other common Dupes other than the Apricot Drupe include almonds, cashews, cherries, coconuts, coffee beans, peaches, plums, nectarines, lychee nuts, jujubes, and olives.
Now to answer the most burning question of all: How many mg of cyanide is lethal for a 175lb human? Correct Answer: 106.35 mg or 0.00375 Oz!
It’ a near certainty you can find the best of Dehydrated Apricots in the Shippable Foods Department of Today’s Catalog 🙂
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