International Space Habitat on Venus Revealed! 

 The Complete Story by FakeNews!

FakeNews terms the project “awe-inspiring”! Not just because it has miraculously remained an international secret for more than 27 years!  It’s at least “astonishing” because the project’s lofty goal is now a reality, which was to construct a series of twenty (20) adjoining Controlled Ecological Life-Support Systems, each capable of housing and or supporting yet to be selected “space-pioneer-families” of five (5) or less, indefinitely!

To the worlds immense surprise, it was confirmed yesterday by NASA that a bit more than 27 years ago, in early November of 1998, the US Congress and then President William “Bill” Clinton agreed to jointly fund 20% of an amazing Top Secret international space exploration and development project in conjunction with NASA’s Strategic Planning Council -the undertakings lead designer, planner, and project implementer.

The previously Top-Secret Space program’s participants include the Nations of Australia, in with 15% of costs; Canada, in with 20% of costs; Great Britain, in with 20% of costs; Israel, in with 10% of costs; New Zealand, in with 15% of costs; and the United States, in with 20% of costs.  

Reportedly, the entire project was the brainchild of the New Zealand Space Agency (NZSA).

Yet, former US Representative of Arkansas’s 3rd Congressional district, now the newly appointed NASA Administrator, JB Bridenshine insisted again yesterday the idea was stolen from the current US President back in late 2001.

Problem is, the original agreement was released into the Public Domain only three (3) days ago, by none other than Mr. Bridenshine himself; it’s dated November 5, 1998.  A date that coincides with authentication statements issued by former US House Speaker “Newt” Gingrich, who resigned as Speaker of the House on November 6, 1998, and former US President Bill Clinton who served from 1993 to 2001 — Is FakeNews remotely surprised by Administrator Bridenshine’s unsubstantiated assertion? Amused, perhaps, but nope, it’s just a typical example of “Alternative Facts” better known as “Fake News”, that often casts a shadow over the current Administration!

Turns out, all those years of propaganda that flooded the state-controlled media in Russia citing 44 failed NASA attempts at unmanned Moon landings were actually not “Moon Shot” landing attempts at all.  But were each, in reality, an eleven (11) month long series of voyages destined for the upper atmosphere of the planet Venus ─ by way of the “dark side” of Earth’s Moon.  

For reasons that have only now become clear, throughout the entire Russian media assault, NASA practically refused to comment; except to say the US had sustained no losses! A claim, frankly, most of the world, including a small majority of Americans, simply did not believed.   

Though astonishing, the forty-four (44) missions were successfully completed.  Each of the delivered structures are designed to house and provide ample living space necessary for sustaining a typical family of five (5), utilizing traditional agricultural pursuits.

Sooo, why Venus? → There are enough similarities between Earth and Venus that many scientists consider the two to be nearly twin planets that just by happenstance evolved in totally different directions.  

In fact, Venus is often referred to as Earth’s sister planet because of similarities in size, mass, density and volume. It is believed that both planets share a common origin of forming at the same time; about 4.5 billion years ago.

Regardless, there are a few interesting dissimilarities worth mentioning between Venus and Earth.  For example, consider the direction of Venus’s rotation - the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east; the “spin cycle” of the planet rotates so slowly that a “day” on Venus is equal to 243 Earth days & nights (a bit more than 8 Earth months) but a Venusian year is just under 225 (224.7) Earth days & nights which means Venus circles the Sun a good bit quicker than Mother Earth!  

Yet, the surface of Venus is far too hot, and the atmosphere much too dense for life derived from Earth’s surface to survive. However, there is good news - near 31 miles above the dense surface of Venus, you might say, lies in “The Goldilocks Zone” and is still, after millions of years, very near the environment of Earth.   And, at that altitude, “Earth type air” that humans must breathe to survive is actually a lifting gas with about half the lifting power helium has here on planet Earth.

Sooo,  floating “Cloud Cities” upon the shoulders of Venus’ extremely heavy and thick atmosphere can be used as a colonizing platform!  You just have to think outside the proverbial box .

Just beyond the dense clouds there’s enough sunshine to provide solar power and the wind speed is a constant 9.5 miles per hour, making the environment just beyond perfect for industrial wind turbines that are needed for electrical power production. The temperature is rather warm but cool enough for liquid water to exist, and the gravity is about 90% of what’s experienced on Earth.

There’s enough carbon dioxide to facilitate plant growth which science has long know, in turn, yields breathable air and the environmental gases on Venus at that high altitude can support life as we know it, even though a little “help” was remotely provided by a team of Scientists to set things right.   

Such futuristic “help” projects were necessary because: With a carbon dioxide rich atmosphere, a pressure that’s nearly 92 times what we feel on Earth, and an average temperature that’s near 900° Fahrenheit, to say, “Venus does not have a welcoming environment on its surface” is a bit of an understatement.  In short, Venus is a planet of extremes with a hellish topside but with a tranquil upper atmosphere. Yes, a few physical characteristics are similar to Earth, but there are more differences than not.  

Regardless, to meet this end, or to provide the environmental “help” mentioned above, NASA and a trio of Israeli Scientist’s in a joint effort successfully unlocked the secret of combining the nitrogen and limited hydrogen in the upper atmosphere of Venus remotely. Hydrogen was gathered from nearby floating sulfuric acid droplets for creating the elements necessary to “kick start” the breathable air cycle that’s necessary for supporting humankind.

This complex project was wrapped into a neat package with the establishment of “automated ice mining” operations located near the northern pole of Earth’s Moon more than thirty (30) years ago.  You may recall the landmark discovery of NASA’s third (3rd) of seven (7) unmanned moon missions during the early 1990’s which discovered a minimum of 1.3 trillion pounds (600 million metric tons) of “water ice” on Earth’s Moon near it’s North Pole (See previous Public Domain drawing shown above).   The huge water ice deposit lies within dozens of craters ranging in size from 1 to 9 miles (2 to 15 km) in diameter.

As a result of the find, a fully Independently owned, unmanned Ice Mining operation has to date, recovered and transported to a central location on Venus, thousands of tons of ice for the future Venusian Colony to be used both for various human consumption needs as well as for typical farming necessities, such as crop irrigation.  

This seemingly impossible task was turned into a lucrative reality by independent coal mining operator and long-distance Trucker, Del-Roy Fitzpatrick, from Southeastern Kentucky. Mr. Fitzpatrick quickly recognized the advantage of the huge reduction in delivery cost, by limiting all shipments from the Moon Ice-Mine Base only during the time when it was closest to Venus, a period of seven (7) Earth days of the 27.32 days required for the Moon to fully circle Earth each month coincided with seven (7) of the 365 days Earth requires to circumvent the Sun.  

This uncomplicated procedure reduced delivery time by an average of nearly ninety (90) days which secured quarterly delivery quotas long before scheduled deadline dates. The simplistic shipping schedule automatically guaranteed his company cash bonuses for early shipments - via the early delivery incentive provided by NASA’s Supply Coordination Division though Fitzpatrick did complain that he had to use more “trucks”.  

The twenty (20) Venusian Habitat structures are much like Weather Balloons that naturally rise to their operating level high into Earth’s atmosphere. A similar stabilizing method to erect each Habitat was used, though they were “constructed” on Venus by remote radio & video controlled techniques from far away Earth. The procedure basically involved inflating sophisticated prefabricated balloons. At least, that’s the way one of NASA’s own Habitat designers explained it. The task has been coined the “Venusian Habitat Project” and yes, the structures were built of light weight construction materials a lot like the inflatable Geodesic Dome (“Geo-Dome”) displayed below (sorry, actual photos or drawings of the Venusian type “Geo-Domes” are not yet available for public viewing):   

1,000 pre-screened families with a maximum of five (5) members will be subjected to an international lottery drawing within a few weeks to determine the volunteers selected to participate in the hallmark colonization of the “Venusian Habitat Project”.  The lottery candidates will include Yank’s, Aussies, Brits, Canadians, Israelis, and New Zealanders. To qualify as viable prospects, the families selected to “colonize” shall be in agreement to limit their procreation efforts during their “Venusian” presence to not exceed a total of five (5) family members until such time the Colony is expanded. Then, population growth beyond 100 living humans will be encouraged.

Farm Animals such as Chickens, Cows, or Pigs, shall not initially be permitted within the habitat.  Yeah, it’ll be tough, but the half dozen prospective families FakeNews has interviewed recognize that a meatless diet will be a necessity. However, forty (40) “Colonies” or “Hives” of Honeybees shall be included on the very short list of “Livestock” slated as “live cargo” for the initial three (3) month trip to the Venusian Habitats. You see, this policy is intended to ensure the pollination of the Habitat’s fruits and Vegetables that will be planted upon the arrival of the space Pioneers. Such a plan is designed to assure that a “vegetarian” class of Colonist’s become the norm on Venus!

The long-term plans for men of Earth in the sky of Venus are profound. Imagine, a sea of “floating rafts” covered or layered with up to six (6) feet of soil transported from Earth’s nearby Moon circumventing Venus that will support hundreds of small farms and low-rise housing - capable of supporting perhaps millions of citizens.

When you think about Earthlings developing into a “multi-planet” species, the collective vision has typically been a future with humans successively living on both Earth and Mars.

However, FakeNews agrees that Venus is a better first choice!
