It’s not often a reporter is granted the opportunity to sit down and question, ever so briefly, the One True God. To be perfectly frank, FakeNews’ International correspondent, Sir TG Fuqua (image, above left) landed the following interview absent substantial preparation. Therefore, as the FakeNews chief editor, though a good bit disappointed, I’ve extended a generous amount of tolerance for the deficiencies in the questions Sir Fishdom submitted. In-other-words, they have been overlooked:  

Sir Fuqua . . . Good afternoon, “Your Holiness”,  I  acknowledge your extremely complex and demanding schedule. So, may I offer my deep and sincere thanks for the few minutes you have granted me for this interview, and if you please, by what name should I call you?  

Reply . . . I expect, “Your Holiness” will do in this setting. Just be careful not to call me “Holy Father” as I certainly don’t wish to upstage the Pope, who unlike me, is merely a mortal being of the planet you call Earth . . . I’ve been called by many names for thousands of years; from “Allah” by the forever pitiful Muslims of the Islamic faith to the unpronounceable “Yahweh” by the stiff necked Jews of Judaism. But on second thought, just call me “Brahman (that’s pronounced “Braa-muhn”, by the way, with a capital B).  That’s the name most often used by the first organized religious group of Earth; you probably know their religious sect as Hinduism.

Sir Fuqua . . . Okay, great, “Brahman” it shall be. Now then, Brahman, of all the different religious sects that inhabit the four corners of Earth, do you have a favorite?  

Reply . . . Somehow I knew you would ask that question. Sooo, the answer is no, because they all have it wrong to varying degrees. While much of the Hindu sect has it closest to right, I’ll never understand why they hold such reverence for those cows! Yeah, cows are my very own creation, but like most creatures I dreamed up, cows were placed among mankind of Earth to make living on the planet a bit easier.  And yes, before you ask, I did create a few creatures just to make sure humanity had enough work to keep busy. Fact is, One of Adam’s wisest ‘quotes’ was “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”; or something close to that anyway!  After all, he did say it a really long time ago - point being, working through the hard stuff ensures that the easy stuff is appreciated.

Sir Fuqua . . . As a reporter with a desire to remain employed as such, I must ask you the question that’s haunted mankind for thousands of years. Is there life after death and is there really a place called “Hell” that is punishment specific for bad behavior while living here on Earth?

Reply . . . As for life after death - of course there is, but it has nothing to do with “Streets paved with Gold” or some similar nonsensical myth that’s so often spouted by nearly every religious sect. And, as for your question regarding Hell, I’d rather not comment one way or the other. However, I will say, the concept of Hell is a necessary evil. Without it, civilizations, have proven repeatedly throughout time that absent the threat of Hell, my “chosen” creations simply collapse, most often, after being over-run by pure evil.

Sir Fuqua . . . Rumor has it that you are an all-powerful God capable of controlling all things, if that’s true, why do you allow the suffering of mankind?

Reply . . . That’s really a tough one . . . Never-the-less, I’ll explain, the best I can.  Actually, it’s tied to basic “Free Will”. Allowing mankind to have it, seemed to be a good idea at the time, but, like most everything except sugarless candy, I knew it had a downside.  With Free Will, the downside just happens to go hand in hand with suffering. And, because I decided from the very first to grant Free Will to men and women of Earth, they’re likewise free to develop “evil” tendencies or inclinations that invariably cause suffering, sometimes in strange unrelated ways. Though the concept of Free Will might sound rather harsh, trust me when I say this, I’ve tried places without Free Will and the result is not pretty!

Sir Fuqua . . . Right, I think I get the suffering thing and it’s connection to Free Will, but your answer opened the door to yet another long sought after question that you undoubtedly have the correct answer to. Is there intelligent life beyond the confines of Earth?   

Reply . . . I’m guessing you consider Earthlings to be intelligent, . . Right?

Sir Fuqua . . . Well yeah, Right, I most certainly do!

Reply . . . Admittedly, some Earthlings are; I’ll give you that, but, to answer your question, yes, there is intelligent life beyond Earth.

But please, allow me to expand on the Free Will issue a bit more.  Fact is, for a time, there was an even Dozen (12) such planets located several light years distant from Earth.

Four (4) of them I allowed to “develop” absent of Free Will. The result has been that those particular societies or worlds have not yet advanced beyond what folks of Earth would call the “hunting & gathering” stage; spread over a period of nearly five billion or so Earth years.  

Four (4) of the planets and or societies “out their” were given Free Will with no mention of punishment in the next life, but alas, they all self-destructed at varying times during their first million years of existence . . .

The remaining four (4) were given Free Will with the assurance of punishment in the next life for misdeeds committed while among the “living” as mankind calls it. To date, only two of those worlds have self-destructed. I have concluded, this occurred specifically because the concept of “Hell” or something like it, exists! . .   

Sir Fuqua . . . Thanks for the followup, it was helpful.  But since you have ever so briefly voiced your thoughts regarding the worlds oldest mainstream religion (Hinduism) that generally holds or teaches your doctrine, do you have a comment on what most Earthlings perceive as the newest religious sect within your sphere of influence headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah?   

Reply . . . I assume your question is regarding Mormonism or should I say the Latter Day Saints?

Sir Fuqua . . .Yes sir, that’s correct; but most folks these days consider them “one and the same”. Is that not correct?

Reply . . . Yes, I expect so, but to be blunt, I harbored doubts from the beginning with placing such a heavy burden on a teenage true believer. Regardless, young Joseph showed such compassion in his prayers that I decided he was worth the risk even though I knew that “Free Will” so very often lead Earth’s youth astray.

I expect the religion’s undoing really started with Joseph’s “hyperactive” sex drive. Though he waited until he had aged 22 years before wedding Miss Emma, he thereafter “secretly married” 29 other ladies (to the great surprise to Miss Emma, years latter). You see, young Joseph was convinced extracurricular sexual activity beyond his initial marriage could be justified by “wedding” or “sealing” his targeted females; be they a tender 16 or a well-rounded 60 years of age.

Brigham simply picked-up where Joseph left off with mutable wives (he “sealed” 59 women), and worse, he found various excuses to openly discriminate against men of color and eventually justified committing the murder of men, women, and even teenage children in an effort to promote his own agenda. Otherwise, Brigham was a respectable man.

Sorry, I expect I’ve said enough. But to be fair, the Latter Day Saints have shown a good bit of promise of late, though, in my view, they still hold several somewhat nonsensical beliefs.  Soon, I hope to have a conversation with some leader among them so as to offer proper guidance.  

Sir Fuqua . . . Changing direction here a bit; are the “Grays” creatures you created, and if so, what do they want here and will they ever make “open” contact?

Reply . . . Actually the Grays are antecedents of my handiwork here on Earth . . . Lets seee,  How can I explain this a bit more clearly?  Humm, let’s see now, okay!  They’re the opposite of a descendant such as a great, great, great, grand, great, great, great, great, grandfather who lives about 900 years in your future.

You see, in their period, traveling backward in time for limited sightseeing excursions are somewhat commonplace. Actually, it’s considered somewhat the “cottage industry” in several parts of the world. Trouble is, from time to time, “Free Will” kicks in, and the Time Traveling “Grays” simply choose to make contact with one or more “under-developed” Earthling humanoid(s) much like yourself. Such events often result in what Earthling’s have called “Ripples in Time” - some of which cause disruptions in the future that are simply not good! . . On-the-other-hand, occasionally,  such contact goes un-noticed.  So no, it’s very unlikely that “open” contact will ever be made by the Grays.  

Sir Fuqua . . . I see my agreed upon interview time-limit has almost past. May I please squeeze in one last question?

 Not a problem, I’ll simply make it a brief response.

Sir Fuqua . . . Thank you, the question is a bit “touchy” for many Earthlings so brevity is probably the better approach -- I could not help but notice you have a beautiful light blue hue that seems to be radiating from your face and hands, is that your normal skin color?

Reply . . . Yes and No, my skin color actually changes every seventh (7thday. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Sir Fuqua . . . I see my agreed upon interview time-limit has expired.  May I offer my deepest gratitude for your valuable time and your straightforward answers.

Reply . . . Of Course, it has been my pleasure. Perhaps one of your distant relatives will have the opportunity to follow-up on this interview in Earth’s distant future-as I expect this discussion will eventually become distorted like so many of my past conversations with men of Earth have!

Sir Fuqua . . . I certainly hope, this time, that will not become necessary and thank you again!   

Can You Imagine That
