September 2026

I’d wager you likely thought after the demise and passing of “The Donald”, Conspiracy Theories promoted by QAnon, would swiftly become a thing of the past! Not so, on-a-count-a, it appears “Q” is alive & well and is here for the long hall.  And it seems “Q” is older than most mainstream media folks thought.  Further, word is, she is proud to be the first illegitimate daughter of a well-known US Politician!

But first, because this is “Fake News”, let’s review “Q’s” humble beginnings lifted from a recent op-ed (opposite the editorial page) posted on - just in case you missed it.

You probably also think Q is some spaced-out yuppie whose cage has been seriously rattled?  Well, think again! Read-on and you’ll learn that Q is the wealthy founder of the “QAnon” movement and the Author of dozens of so-called Conspiracy Theories. When Trump entered the White House as the 45th US President “Q” was a fifty-three-year-old “she” who lived with her 70-year-old mother (Actually, Trump’s high school “first love”).

inside the Capital Beltway of DC and was the most trusted adviser to former President Donald J Trump right up until his recent demise.

Trump, as you may know, was also known as “The Donald”, a nickname Ms. Q’s momma had pinned on him during his high school days while attending the New York Military Academy.  In fact, Ms. Q, is a fantastic storyteller (though rambling at times) as is showcased when she explains how “QAnon” developed and grew into a global sensation in her op-ed below. All the while secretly, at no charge, providing counsel to the 45th US President on issues that would best support and develop many of his personal agendas.

However, the one Conspiracy Theory that was proven true ultimately led to his eventual fall from grace only two weeks before his untimely demise which stemmed from an outer ear infection that migrated to his brain. You see, the wound never completely healed after being shot during a 2024 Presidential rally in Pennsylvania! 

Though The Donald was adamant in his denials to the very end, Sasha Putin admitted during a recent PBS Radio interview that she was indeed the elder sister of former Russian President Vladimir Putin and mother to Ms. Q, who is, according to three DNA Tests, 99.999% likely to be the daughter of surprise, surprise— Donald J Trump, Sr the 45th US President!

In-any-event, Ms. Q’s op-ed follows:

  In late October of 2017, I placed a post on the online message board known as 4chan; my user ID was “Q, Clearance Patriot”.  The Post or “Thread” was titled “Calm Before the Storm” and warned of impending events in which thousands of “alleged suspects” would be arrested, imprisoned, and or executed for being “child-eating pedophiles”. As you likely know, the term “pedophile” is synonymous with child abuser and or child molester, and yeah, “child-eating”, has gotta be a cannibalistic implication!  So yes, in this instance I used the term “child-eating” as a metaphor to be sure I had everyone’s undivided attention.  

For those of you, like myself, who are clueless about the 4chan site, I learned way back in September of 2017 that it’s typically described as a image-based on-line bulletin board where anyone, and I mean anyone, can post comments and share images anonymously on the site.  And, just so you know, according to the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, an “anon” is simply an unnamed simpleton who “Posts” something on-line.

Yet, that definition doesn’t exactly apply to me because I am Q ─ not some mixed-up unidentified nut-job; and yes, my sir-name is and has always been Anonymous!  

The same Anonymous who earned Millions when I submitted a silly poem / story (it’s the only thing my late grandad Anonymous left me) about two dead boy’s fighting. It was my entry into a poem writing contest administered by Readers Digest.  Can you believe it? I won first place for such foolishness; here’s the first few lines:

One bright day in the middle of the night,

two dead boys got up to fight.

Back-to-back they faced each other,

drew their swords and shot each other.


The deaf Policeman heard the noise,

come in and killed those two dead boys.

If you don’t believe this story’s true,

ask the blind man, he saw it too!  

Because I retained full ownership to the “work”, I received a boatload of royalty payment’s when both Neil Young and Lynyrd Skynyrd recorded their versions, live on bestselling CD singles ─ the magazine, by the way, only paid me a paltry 100 Dollars.   

Anyway, getting back to the business at hand, as of mid-December, of last year, that same 4chan site referenced above boasted more than 6.7 Billion Posts!  Oh, and users need not register an account before participating in the community, sooo, if you’d like, you’re free to go to the following link to check it out: ─ go ahead, you’ll probably have fun! 🙂

Again, the October 2017 4chan user, yours truly thank you, signed off as “Q” and noted having a US security level clearance known as “Q clearance” which is near the top of the security pyramid. In any case, since that date I have become a pretty good lair, and I’ve also become known by the the colorful leader of the QAnon movement!

Sooo, I suppose “QAnon’s” so called “conspiracy theories” really did start years ago with my October 2017 post; and all by a single individual.

And, according to dozens of profilers, Q is an American citizen who “done the deed” ─ and to my surprise, on this particular occasion, they’re actually right!  But several of those very same profilers have since decided “Q” has become a group of people acting in unison under the same name. In fact, one mainstream media outlet (NBC News) once reported that three individuals took my original Q post and spread it across several other platforms to build an Internet following for profit. Not true, I alone am Q, and more money has never been my goal — I have plenty of the worst kind of Money: Critics often call it “New Money”!

Regardless, my Anon Post’s have become known as “Q drops” or “breadcrumbs”, and I have often written in a cryptic language filled with pledges, slogans, and pro-Donald Trump themes. Even though, during a weak moment The Donald denied knowing anything about QAnon. However, to his credit, he did admit that QAnon members “like” him a lot and “love our country.”

Anyway, before the Q era, a number of so-called “anon” characters claimed to have special government access. Such obscurity has ranged from an “FBI-Anon”, a self-described “high-level analyst and strategist” to a “CIA-Anon” who falsely claimed to be a high-ranking CIA Official.

Why, QAnon caught on and the others did not, remains a mystery to me. Never-the-less, to be honest, all such groups, including my very own “QAnon” bunch are often considered discredited far-right conspiracy-theory groups by the vast majority of the mainstream media and currently, by a majority of Americans.  But, trust me, all that’s just Fake News!

To-this-day, my most important message points out that a sect of Satan-worshipping Pedophiles are running a global child sex-trafficking ring who plotted against our 45th US President, better known as The Donald, who, fought the good fight against the “cabal”, otherwise known as the “Deep State” conspiracy group, to his last dying breath.   

As most real American’s already know, “The Donald” was side-tracked with his fruitless but hard-fought battle of trying to reverse the “reported” 2020 voting results for years after I secretly but expertly convinced him there were a number of improprieties that occurred which resulted in his false loss.  

During those years, The Donald’s alleged misbehavior can be attributed to the fact that he knew the Deep State devils had managed to delete millions of “Trump” votes by secretly rigging voting machines in a half dozen or so “swing” states; arrange for thousands to vote in Georgia who were citizens of several northern states; and he became aware that hundreds of “dead folks” managed to vote in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Hell, in his mind, he was absolutely sure millions of illegal votes were cast for Old Joe.  Point being, The Donald had his hands full trying to set things right. So, cut him some slack!

Before then, he had been busy, busy, busy planning the day of reckoning best known by QAnon patriots as the “Storm”; or the time when the near future was dim for thousands of members of the Deep State who were scheduled to be arrested and punished for their brazen illegal behavior!

Punishments planned for the condemned, varied: Some were to be shipped to the US controlled Guantanamo Bay prison facility on the western end of the Island of Cuban. Others were destined to face military tribunals; and the U.S. military, had plans to take control of the entire country ─ the result of which would have brought salvation to the remaining faithful. And too, such an action was sure to usher in a Utopian Earth. Yep, an era akin to the “Golden Age” experienced in Ancient Greece.

You see, the “Golden Age” is actually The Donald’s vision for “Making America Great Again”.

It’s (the 1st Golden Age) been described as follows: “Twas when no labor was required, and the weather was always agreeable. It was a time of pleasant surroundings; abundance was the norm, and people occupied all their time in satisfying pursuits. It’s even said that originally, throughout the first Golden Age, birds, creatures of the sea, and four-footed beasts could talk with a human voice, though with a southern accent”.  In other words, to borrow a well-known literary phrase “it was the best of times”; things of need were furnished in abundance, and the growth of everything required, occurred spontaneously. 

Of late, those Demon Dem’s claim all failed when The Donald’s 2020 win was snatched away by the bitter clutches of the Fake Vote Count. But, keep in mind, The Donald himself told me, there’ll be Hell toupée in 2024 and beyond!  

Allow me to emphasize here that it’s of little surprise that the Fake News media bunch continues to insist that no part of the so called “conspiracy claims” made by myself to my QAnon followers have thus far been supported by actual facts nor have they been based upon “alternative” facts.  While that is in fact true, still my supporters and or card-carrying followers believe, in spite of the lying Fake News bunch, that a number of liberal Hollywood actors, Democratic Politicians, and high-ranking government officials (the Deep State crowd) are all members of a secret “cabal” determined to up-end the American way of life.

Oh, and have I told you, we or the QAnon crowd were strongly supported by The Donald himself until his recent passing? That’s why we regularly portrayed him as “Q+” and if that was not enough, I’d convinced most QAnon followers to view The Donald as a classic but slightly flawed “Christian Messiah” ─ sent by the Almighty himself!  

In-any-event, QAnon began receiving lots of attention from the prevailing press membership back in December of 2017, and in early 2018; hence, my so called “conspiracy” theory’s gained significant traction with the “mainstream right”.

Shortly thereafter, former FOX TV host Sean Hannity and entertainer Roseanne Barr began spreading news about QAnon ideology to their social media followers.

However, it was along about then that Info-wars (the US based far-right conspiracy theory and fake news website) “nut job” and host, Alex Jones, claimed to be in personal contact with Q; but to be brutally honest, I’ve never met anyone named Alex Jones.  

Yep, you will probably agree his views are mostly twisted, that’s why they say, “even a blind squirrel manages to find a nut every now and then”! Yep, it’s an old adage but it certainly applies to Jones! Don’t you think?   

And there’s another “nut-job” I need to identify. It’s that faker US Representative from Georgia’s 14th Congressional District.  You know the one, she was elected to Congress back in November of 2020 and has been a pain in the be-hind for all three Parties ever since!  

A Conspiracy Theorist, she is, and she really is a member of the Republican Party ─ believe me, I checked. However, she must be stark-raving- mad to have promoted that idiotic theory that lasers from space were responsible for Canada’s and California’s Wild Fires.  

Damn nation, near everybody knows that most of those Wild Fires are the direct result of the miniature earth quakes set off by oil well fracking. That’s why California’s new Governor is currently pushing to ban drilling in the entire state.     

In my view most of Miss Green’s weirdo theories are in the same category as those of InfoWars host Alex Jones; and you already know what I think of Jones; right!

Lately, lots of folks have started saying the Congresswoman’s “harebrained” ideas come from me-sooo, let me be perfectly clear, there is no connection! (just thought you’d like to know).

Anyhow, between March and June of 2020, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, QAnon activity almost tripled on Facebook and all but doubled on both Instagram and Twitter (currently X). By that time, QAnon had reached Europe; stretching from the Netherlands all the way to the Balkan Peninsula.

Generally speaking, our (QAnon) growing membership is now worldwide and so dedicated, often times we’re classified as “a cult like group with strong followers in faraway places.” Case in point, Facebook, Telegram, X and YouTube; followers are estimated at 900,000 in Germany. In fact, one recent German Reichsbürger group  adopted QAnon to promote its belief that modern Germany is not a sovereign republic, but rather, a huge corporation established by the Allies after WW II. That change of state   occurred way back in the late 1940’s though.

You may recall the Reich Citizens’ Movement was banned. Some say because the group had expressed hope that The Donald would lead an army to restore or establish a 4th Reich. But I certainly doubt that even though The Donald often quoted Hitler and held him in high esteem!

Numerous Canadians are promoting QAnon beliefs, and one in four (25%) Brit’s are said to accept QAnon related theories.

The movement has also spread to Spain and Latin America, with Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Paraguay all, gaining a popular online following.

Anyway, brace yourself for a number of not so well kept claims, predictions, and secrets that will be advanced by QAnon (that’d be little ole me), and regularly promoted by the new “Q+” himself: The up and coming Independent “full-time” US Presidential candidate, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr (RFK, Jr)! No, real bright he’s not, but easy to control, he is!

One other very important issue, I’ve dreamed up a rather impressive QAnon motto, it’s where we go one, we go all.” Perhaps, not as catchy as the classic “All for one, and one for all” but, effective, just the same. Don’t you think?   

Regardless, QAnon’s here to stay!

Can You Imagine That
